Discover how other busy professional dads of faith are reaching and maintaining 10-15% body fat, getting lean, and building muscle (as a sustainable lifestyle)

See our unique approach Free fat loss consultation

"... it's been almost a year since I joined the tribe... This is the best weight loss program I have participated in."


"Through The Six Pack Dad Tribe, I'm as light now as I've been in 15 years."

President/Author, dad, 46 years old

"I steadily lost a pound a week and saw my weight reduced from 215 pounds to 175 in a little over 6 months. I am now 70 years old and still weigh 175. His program simply works."

Small business owner, dad, 71 years old

"I've been on the weight loss road many times. In the two weeks I've been in this group, it feels different. Constant contact, accountability, accessibility, and helpful motivation are the difference."

CFO, dad, 47 years old

"I have fully committed. This program did it. I've been part of The Six Pack Dad's Inner Circle for about 6 weeks now. The accountability works for me. I am in control of my sugar and dessert binging. And closer to my goal of 10% body fat. I'm 48 and feel great!"

Greg, owner, 48 years old
Principal (Engineering firm), dad

"I own an architecture firm and work over 50 hours a week, so exercise has been sporatic; but, the diet changes and smarter food planning has helped me lose 23 pounds in just about 2 months. "

Principal (Architecture firm), dad

"I feel healthier now than I have in maybe 20 years, but what's more, is that this feels sustainable to me! Never have I felt this confident in my own ability to continue forward eating like this, exercising like this, and STILL ENJOYING my life!!"

VP growth strategy, dad, 53 years old

"I've found the 1 on 1 with Jeffrey and Tyson is super helpful... They provide good feedback on what you are doing right and wrong in a positive and encouraging way. Good for any questions you might have. I've learned more in a month from them than anything I've learned elsewhere."

Founding partner, dad, 47 years old

"Little clips and phrases continue to slowly move the ship... What you're doing is helping people. It's impacting me... It's a journey, not a quick fix. Thanks for your commitment and pursuit."

Design Principal, dad, 41 years old

"Tyson, this is the first beginning of the year for probably five years that I've started the year out below 230 pounds and been able to maintain it.. "

CEO, dad, 57 years old

"Hey Tyson... I'm down 21 pounds from when I started. I've had to make new holes in my belt and I'm wearing suits that I have not wore in a couple years."

VP, dad, 42 years old

"Iā€™m a 45 year old physical therapist and family man. I joined The Six Pack Dad Tribe 12 weeks ago (right as my wife was giving birth to another child.) Since then, Iā€™ve lost four inches off my waist and my mile run time has gone down by over a minute!"

Physical Therapist, dad, 45 years old

"Non-scale victory today. Was able to button the neck on my dress shirt for the first time in maybe four years."

Director, dad, 41 years old

Click the stars to read our Google reviews...

The value of a tribe

Trey, 44 year old CEO dad: "The inspiration that I get from this group is WAY more than I ever expected."


Brad, 37 year old director

Reached 10% body fat, gained muscle, and maintaining at year mark. "This is something that can be life-changing in the short term and also maintainable in the long term."



Listen to what our customers say...


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You're a busy working professional dad. Time is one of your scarcest resources. You want guidance, support, and accountability. You're ready for a sustainable, enjoyable lifestyle... not another short term fad diet.


Dedicated coach, accountability, meaningful feedback, hands on support.


Simple, effective online course. Complete with meal plans, short workouts, and our exact science.


Build successful habits and lifestyle alongside other working professional dads just like you. 


  • Tyson (founder)- BYU alumni. Four years of emotional and spiritual counseling as an ecclesiastical leader. Full-time corporate career and run this tribe as side hustle with the help of:
    • Cheri (wife, coach, meal extraordinaire)
    • Coach & mentor team
    • DougĀ (habit breaker expert coach)
    • Mary (administrative assistant)
  • See the "About" tab to read more about us


  • Sustainable lifestyle: Teach, encourage, and recognize permanent transformation.
  • Product agnostic: Unlike the fitness industry, we don't believe in pushing supplements.Ā 
  • Ridiculous talent:Ā Attract and utilize "top 1%" high quality servant leaders.Ā 
  • Kindness, sincerity, and positivity: treat othersĀ the way we want to be treated.
  • Prompt, valuable communication:Ā This builds trust with customers and team members.
  • Give back- transform your own life... then help others do the same.


Disclaimer: We are not medical professionals. You should consult with your doctor before beginning any nutrition or exercise program. The client results, success rate, and guarantee shown requires commitment, coach-ability, smart food choices and daily monitoring, and regular exercise. Without those pillars, it's hard for anyone to succeed.
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